PulseOn database can be saved to a computer and then transferred to a new device.

Database file is named: pulsedb.sqlite. That file is stored in a folder called 'pulseon' on your Android device files. Common path to find it is : My files -> All files -> pulseon    (or similar depending on your phone model)

Phone capture 

Android capture2

1) Connect your Android mobile device to your Computer with an USB cable

2) With File Explorer on your computer look for your phone that will show as a drive. Then find folder named pulseon and click to open it.


3) You will then find the database file pulsedb.sqlite


4) Copy the pulsedb.sqlite file to a folder on your Computer to save it.

5) To transfer the saved file to a new Android device, do the three first steps. Then choose the saved file on your Computer and drag it on your Android device pulseon folder to replace the pulsedb.sqlite file


Note: PulseOn data can be transferred also to iOS devices, see instructions: https://pulseon.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/5000502806-how-to-save-pulseon-data-with-ios-iphone-and-transfer-to-a-new-phone-